We have some exciting news here: Paisley Coxsey has been promoted to focusIT General Manager. Paisley joined the team in 2013 to work with FocusIT as a Sales Manager, where she managed inbound customer requests, lead management and account management (to name a few things!). Now, she’s our general manager. As one of the team members that many clients work with, we wanted to give you a proper introduction to Paisley (and congratulate her on her new position), and we thought, no one could do a better job than Paisley herself. Paisley, take it away!

How long have you been working for FocusIT? 7 years this November!

How did you get your start at FocusIT? I had a job out of college that I really felt like I was being underutilized and wanted to find a company ready to grow. I was hired to head up the marketing efforts!

What’s your favorite part about working with FocusIT? The company culture is probably my favorite part of the company. It feels like a family.

What are three things on your bucket list?

  1. Spend more time with people who make me happy
  2. Plan a surprise trip for my family to someplace fun
  3. Buy a house

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Hopefully still at focusIT helping the company continue to grow, and maybe with another dog or 2!

Do you have any pets? Tell (or show!) us a little bit about them. I have a feisty morkie who is turning 12 this summer! She pretty much runs the show around my house… hahah

When you’re not hard at work, how do you like to spend your free time? I spend most of my time attending pilates classes, hanging out with my family, or wine nights with friends!

Have you read any good books lately? I am not a big book person but I watch a lot of documentaries and listen to podcasts. I always recommend The Bachelor related podcasts because who doesn’t like a little bit of trashy tv recaps in their life??

We’re excited to continue working with Paisley and having her on our team. Stay tuned for more Employee Spotlight features and company announcements.