Those who take things literally understand a brand as sort of stamp on a product, but that is simply the logo. Sure, the logo is a component of a brand but branding a company is so much larger than just hiring a graphic designer to create a picturesque logo. A brand is actually a movement manifested from the mission of a company. When correctly manufactured, a brand represents what the company is trying to accomplish and why. The why is what gives a brand fuel to become successful and memorable. With blogging and social media being some of the top ways to achieve good SEO it’s a necessity to strategize how to appropriately brand a company before embarking on any type of marketing efforts.

Decipher the Message

Before even approaching blogging or social media really sit down with the core team and figure out exactly what this business is looking to accomplish in the world. Access the innermost compassion of the brand, this is the message that will guide all of the content on the website and social platforms. Taking time to hash out exactly what the brand should mean to the world will help in every aspect of marketing that follows. A common marketing mistake is to launch a platform with no mission statement, this creates a confusing personality behind the business and brand. Avoid this by starting from one cohesive mission and watch the brand thrive.

Become a Valuable Voice

After spending time creating a message appropriate for the brand it’s time to give it some legs to walk on. Put the mission to work by regularly blogging educational content on the website that expresses different aspects of exactly what the brand is looking to represent. Not only does this build SEO it also has the ability to structure a brand’s reputation. This content can filter a social media following to a business website if it is worthwhile to the potential lead. Basically, create content that leads to clicks and turn social media followers into clients. This interaction with the community will also garner the company an established voice, a voice that becomes the brand.

Build a Social Community

The final step to solidifying a brand is to start engaging social media followers. This isn’t only about creating content that moves a social follower to comment, like, share, re-tweet, etc. It is also about acknowledging the support of those followers. Always be prompt in commenting back on Facebook and try to send out a message to followers thanking them for staying in touch on Twitter. Building a community on social media drives more followers and opens up a large channel of leads to filter into the website. 

Branding is no longer just about color psychology and company names, the public wants to see a personality behind every type of company whether it is a B2c or B2B venture. An educational approach to social media works as a natural platform for building a brand that is not only successful but trustworthy. Build a brand by being honest, intelligent and reliable; this will ultimately create success for any type of business.